The Waves of Dissonance
Hello again! After being on ice for a year, and then in traction for months undergoing INTENSE editing, my novel is now back out on the...

It only takes one, right?
Still waiting to hear back from one publisher I sent a Solicited manuscript. I like looking at the website showing its current status: ...

Another query rejection
Another rejection today from a publisher I queried on 19 JULY 2014. Over 7 months ago!! Wow, this is taking forever! They were...
Prequel Outline
So, while I'm waiting VERY patiently for publishers to read my manuscript, I am continuing to outline the Prequel. Fun to be working...

Cis-Star: The Awakening
Considering changing the title from "Notion Waves" to "Cis-Star: The Awakening" after I found the above reference in thesaurus.com. ...

Autumn Break
A really nice person asked me this week why I haven’t been blogging. I explained I’m focused on editing the novel, trying to incorporate...

4-page critique - toe hold
Woo Hoo! Another rejection!! My husband said he’s never seen someone so happy to get rejected, but here’s the reason why… This...

Fist-pumping to my first SOLICITED submittal
Yes!! A publisher responded this morning and said she would like to see the entire Notion Waves manuscript! Woo Hoo!!! Or, as my...

Staying Positive
My latest submission experience was pretty cool. I researched another publisher, packaged up what they require, and hit the button. ...

Storm Clouds mean "Grrr"
So, when I send off a query, I only submit to publishers who accept unagented authors. I include the items each publisher requires, and...