It only takes one, right?
Still waiting to hear back from one publisher I sent a Solicited manuscript. I like looking at the website showing its current status: ...
Prequel Outline
So, while I'm waiting VERY patiently for publishers to read my manuscript, I am continuing to outline the Prequel. Fun to be working...

Autumn Break
A really nice person asked me this week why I haven’t been blogging. I explained I’m focused on editing the novel, trying to incorporate...

Staying Positive
My latest submission experience was pretty cool. I researched another publisher, packaged up what they require, and hit the button. ...

Storm Clouds mean "Grrr"
So, when I send off a query, I only submit to publishers who accept unagented authors. I include the items each publisher requires, and...

Classy Rejection
Another rejection. :( At least this one was QUICK and painless, like a good Band-Aid-pulling. I sent out a new query at 4 a.m. one...

6th Publisher Rejection
"Dear Contributor..." That's how today's rejection letter started. Didn't even have my name or a date, for goodness sake! And, you...

Another Rejection. Really.
Email received at 10:53 PM. "Dear Ms. Clark, Thank you for submitting to [publisher, which shall not be named.] After careful...

Guess what I got in the Mail today!
Ever have that feeling that good news is on its way? I felt like that ALL DAY today. So, when the mail came I excitedly shuffled...

Happy Life
Nearly all of my hand-picked Early Readers have asked How in the world such a happy person like me could have written a novel so—(fill in...